G-Connector for Salesforce

G-Connector for Salesforce
It’s a great tool or you can say an add-on that can help you to save your Salesforce Licenses. G-Connector is a two-way syncing tool that unlocks Salesforce data into the Google Sheet in a quick and easy way.
G-connector helps in real-time view into the Salesforce data with the help of scheduling and automatic refreshing of data.
Steps to install G-connector for Salesforce:
  1. You can either install G-Connector fr Salesforce add-on directly to your Google sheet from this link https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/g-connector-for-salesforc/inpioilbljppoobbblcpbpjplkefmkep?hl=enORYou can install it from appexchange with this linkhttps://appexchange.salesforce.com/appxListingDetail?listingId=a0N3000000B5f7vEAB
  2. Once you install G-connector, you can see it in your google sheet like the below image
  3. Now you can use it in your destination org i.e. Salesforce Production or Salesforce Sandbox
  4. Click on the desired salesforce org, you can see a login page as shown in the below image
  5. Grant access your Salesforce org for G-connector
  6. You will see a page saying that “You’ve been successfully authenticated with Salesforce.com"
  7. Now you can start using G-connector for your Salesforce data syncing

Happy Salesforce!
