Multiple Trailhead Accounts Merge and Trailhead Vanity URL
Hi All
Do you want to merge your two Trailhead accounts?
Do you know this option is now available for all the trailhead learners to easily play around?
Do you know Trailhead now gives you their own playground org?
Do you know Trailhead Vanity URLs is available now?
Ya Ya now all these are easily available under your one name. Hurray!!!
Steps to start merge process:
- Log in to youtr Trailhead account via the account you want all the activity (i.e. badges, points, favorites, progress, trailmixes, hands-on orgs) to live on.
- Click on your profile.
- Select ‘Settings’.
- Click on ‘Connect or Merge’ under ‘Salesforce Login’ or ‘Social Login’.
- Log in to your another Trailhead account that has activity (i.e. badges, etc).
- You’ll see a preview of which data will be merged and what your final account will look like. It’s a irreversible process so please make sure to review this.
- Now confirm the merge to complete.
- Now you’ll be able to log in to your Main Trailhead account from any of the login identities that you connected to that user.
- All activity data (i.e. badges, points, favorites, progress, trailmixes, hands-on orgs) from the other account will come over excluding duplicates.
- If you have duplicate badges/points, Trailhead will always merge the first earned value for points and the first earned date for badges.
For your Trailhead Vanity URL, you have to simply go to the About Me section in your profile and edit the My URL field.
NOTE: You can change your URL as many times as you like; however, once you change it, your previous option becomes available for anyone else to claim as their own. Also if you linked to your profile and change the URL, the old link will no longer work.
Happy Salesforce!
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