
Showing posts from April, 2018

Install IDE plug-in into your Eclipse

You can install the IDE into your existing Eclipse by following the below steps. NOTE : Before installing the IDE, you must have to check the below requirements A supported operating system {Windows 7, 8, or 10 / macOS 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, or 10.11 / Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or 14.04 LTS} Java SE Development Kit (JDK), Runtime Environment 8, or later The Eclipse IDE for Java Developers distribution is recommended. Open your  Eclipse Select  Help –> Install New Software  and Click On  Add In the Add Repository dialog box, set the name to IDE Now use  for the location.  NOTE : For Spring ’16 ( IDE v36.0) and earlier IDE versions, you have to use  as the location Click on  OK  button If you want to install the Apex Debugger, select  For...

Multiple Trailhead Accounts Merge and Trailhead Vanity URL

Hi All Do you want to merge your two Trailhead accounts? Do you know this option is now available for all the trailhead learners to easily play around? Do you know Trailhead now gives you their own playground org? Do you know Trailhead Vanity URLs is available now? Ya Ya now all these are easily available under your one name. Hurray!!! Steps to start merge process: Log in to youtr Trailhead account via the account you want all the activity (i.e. badges, points, favorites, progress, trailmixes, hands-on orgs) to live on. Click on your profile. Select ‘Settings’. Click on ‘Connect or Merge’ under ‘Salesforce Login’ or ‘Social Login’. Log in to your another Trailhead account that has activity (i.e. badges, etc). You’ll see a preview of which data will be merged and what your final account will look like.  It’s a irreversible process so please make sure to review this. Now confirm the merge to complete. Now you’ll be able to log in to your Mai...

Running Case Assignment Rules From Salesforce Apex

Hi All, We all know that Case Assignment Rule decides how cases are assigned to users or put into queues. We can create multiple assignment rules, but only one rule can be “ active ” at a time. We can trigger assignment rules by simply checking the “ Assign using active assignment rules ” checkbox under the Optional section of the Case creation page from  Standard UI . Or We can set it default true under the “ Layout Properties “of the case page layout. But do you know!!! When we are inserting the Case via Apex, the assignment rule will not be triggered   as there is no such field “ Assign using active assignment rules ” to be checked in the Apex. DON’T WORRY . Here in this blog you will know how to run assignment rule through apex. //Fetching the assignment rules on case AssignmentRule AR = new AssignmentRule(); AR = [select id from AssignmentRule where SobjectType = 'Case' and Active = true limit 1]; //Creating the DMLOptions for "A...

Metadata Components That Needs To Be Deployed Manually In Salesforce

Hi All, When you want to deploy changes from one Salesforce org to another, you can choose any of the following: Change Sets Migration Tool (ANT based) IDE 3rd Party AppExchange Product All these tools use Metadata API to extract and deploy changes. But not all the configurations are available through metadata API and you need to be manually created in the target Salesforce org.. So here’s a List of those Account Teams Activity Button Overrides Analytic Settings Auto-number on Customizable Standard Fields Campaign Influences Case Contact Roles Case Feed Layouts Case Team Roles Console Layouts Currency Exchange Rates Data Category Visibility Settings Delegated Administration Divisions Email Services Fiscal Year HTML Document and Attachment Settings Lead Settings Mail Merge Templates Mobile Administration Mobile Users and Devices Offline Briefcase Configurations Opportunity Big Deal Alerts Opportunity Update Reminders Organizatio...