View Campaign Influence Report Custom Link for Lightning
Campaigns with Influenced Opportunities
The Campaigns with Influenced Opportunities report doesn’t seem to be working in the Salesforce Lightning Experience, So here’s the solution for this.
What about creating a new report and create a custom link for Report URL. Lightning having some limitations with it. On your custom report make sure you add the filter criteria for Campaign ID and use “” AND Primary Campaign Source: Campaign Name equals “”. These reports will not work if you run them independently from the reports tab. But when you click on the link, the filter parameters then have a place to land.
Special Instruction : For this custom report you have to create a custom report type that follows the below sequenceOpportunity –> ContactRole –> CampaignHistory –> CampaignMember
Follow the below steps to create a custom link
- (Non – Enhanced Setup) Your Name | Setup | App Setup | Customize | Campaigns | Buttons, Links and Actions
- (Enhanced Setup) Setup | Customize | Campaigns | Buttons, Links and Actions
- Click on “New Button or Link”
- Paste /one/
/view?fv0=”{!Campaign.Id}”&fv1=”{!Campaign.Name}” - Its Display Type : Detail Page LinkContent Source : URL
- Click on Save button
- Now add the custom link on the page layout of Campaign
Create a custom formula field on the Campaign that has the below formula
IF( $User.UIThemeDisplayed=”Theme4d”, (HYPERLINK(LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND( ‘/services’, $Api.Partner_Server_URL_260))+”one/ “&Id&”&pv1=”&Name&””,”Report Link”)),(HYPERLINK(“/?fv0=”&Id&”&pv1=”&Name&””, “Report Link”)))
Good Luck
Happy Salesforce!
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