Useful Salesforce Steps and Instructions – Part 3

Hello All,
Here’s an another part for various steps and instruction that are very useful in Salesforce.

Steps to add picklist values for specific record type:

  1. Click on “Setup” button.
  2. Search your sObject in Quick Search box (If its an custom object search ‘object’ then open your custom object).
  3. Click on the “Record Type” option under sObject.
  4. Now Click on “Edit” option the record type in which you want to add picklist values.
  5. Now add all the values from “Available Values” to “Selected Values”.
  6. Click on “Save” button.

Steps to add the values on picklist field :

  1. Click on “Setup” button.
  2. Search your sObject in Quick Search box (If its an custom object search ‘object’ then open your custom object).
  3. Click on the “Fields” option under sObject.
  4. Open picklist custom field.
  5. Click on “New” button in the “Values” section.
  6. Now add the picklist values.
  7. Now select the checkbox against record type in which you want to use these values.
  8. Click on “Save” button.

Steps to add default value of picklist for specific record type:

  1. Click on “Setup” button.
  2. Search your sObject in Quick Search box (If its an custom object search ‘object’ then open your custom object).
  3. Click on the record type name under Record Types section.
  4. Click on “Edit” option before Invoice Status.
  5. Select default picklist value.
  6. Click on “Save” button.

Steps to change the label name of Objects:

  1. Click on “Setup” button.
  2. Search “Rename Tabs and Labels” in Quick Search Box.
  3. Go to “Custom Tabs” and click on “Edit” button against your sObject.
  4. Change the name and click on “Save” button.

Steps to add Queue in List View:

  1. Click on “All Tabs” button.
  2. Search your sObject in Quick Search box (If its an custom object search ‘object’ then open your custom object).
  3. Click on “Edit” button against list view.
  4. Select “Queue” radio button under “Step 2. Specify Filter Criteria” section.
  5. Select “Queue Name” from queue picklist value.
  6. Click on “Save” button.
Stay tuned for more upcoming..!!
Happy Salesforce!
