Useful Salesforce Steps and Instructions – Part 2

Hello All,
Welcome to the another part of Useful Salesforce Steps and Instructions. The provided below steps will be very useful for you while working with Salesforce.

Steps to give permissions to Enabled Apex Class Access:

  1. Click on the “Setup” button
  2. Search “Profile” in quick search box
  3. Click on the profile name which you want to give permissions
  4. Search “Enabled Apex Class Access” section
  5. Click on “Edit” button
  6. Move your apex classes from “Available Apex Classes” to “Enabled Apex Classes” that you want to enable
  7. Click on “Save” button

Steps to give permissions to Enabled Visualforce Page Access:

  1. Click on the “Setup” button
  2. Search “Profile” in quick search box
  3. Click on the profile name which you want to give permissions
  4. Search “Enabled Visualforce Page Access” section
  5. Click on “Edit” button
  6. Move your VF Pages from “Available Visualforce Pages” to “Enabled Visualforce Pages” that you want to enable
  7. Click on “Save” button

Step for adding VF page on sObject Record Page:

  1. Click on the “Setup” button
  2. Search your sObject in Quick Search box (If its an custom object search ‘object’ then open your custom object)
  3. Under your sObject menu, there is a “Page Layouts” option , Click on that
  4. Now “Edit” the desired page layout
  5. Select “Visualforce Pages” from options and Find the VF page you want to add on page layout
  6. Drag the VF page and place below any section/detail
  7. Now click on “Save” button

Steps to override “New” button of any sObject with a VF Page:

  1. Click on “Setup” button
  2. Search your sObject in Quick Search box (If its an custom object search ‘object’ then open your custom object)
  3. Scroll down and select “Edit” for “New” button in “Buttons, Links, and Actions” section
  4. Select Override With VisualForce Page option and select your VF page from picklist
  5. Now Click on “Save” button

Steps to set custom button on page layout’s related list:

  1. Click on “All Tabs” button
  2. Click on sObject
  3. Click on “Edit Layouts”
  4. Now scroll down to the related list
  5. Click on the “Wrench” icon against the related list of sObject where you want to add button
  6. Select the “Buttons” section
  7. Add the custom button
  8. Click on the “OK” button
  9. Now click on “Save” button
This was the second part of the useful and important set of instructions. Stay tuned for more upcoming..!!
Happy Salesforce!
