Useful Salesforce Steps and Instructions – Part 1

Hello All,
Today I am going to provide you a very useful and important set of items that you should always keep handy with you like a keep the money wallet handy. The provided steps will be very useful for you while working with Salesforce. So here we go with the part 1 of the instructions:

Steps to give permissions to an sObject:

  1. Click on the “Setup” button in prod
  2. Search “Profile” in quick search box
  3. Click on “Edit” button just before the profile name which you want to give permissions
  4. Search for the sObject under “Custom Object Permissions” section
  5. Check the “Read,Create,Edit,Delete,View All,Modify All” checkboxes
  6. Click on “Save” button

Steps to give permissions to the fields of an sObject:

  1. Click on the “Setup” button in prod
  2. Search “Profile” in quick search box
  3. Click on “Edit” button just before the profile name which you want to give permissions
  4. Search the sObject in “Field-Level Security” and select “View” option
  5. Click on “Edit” button
  6. Check the “Read Access” and “Edit Access” checkboxes for all the required fields
  7. Click on “Save” button

Steps to add Queue/Public Group to an Approval Processes:

  1. Click on ‘Setup’ button
  2. Search ‘Approval Processes’ in Quick Search Box
  3. Select the required sObject option in the ‘Manage Approval Processes For:’ picklist
  4. Now click on the required Approval Processes Name
  5. Go to ‘Approval Steps’ section
  6. Click on ‘Edit’ before “Step 1”
  7. Then click on ‘Next’ button upto ‘step 3 – Select Assigned Approver’
  8. Now under ‘Select Approver’, check the checkbox “Automatically assign to queue.”
  9. Select the required Queue name and click on ‘Save’ button

Steps to schedule an Apex class:

  1. First click on setup button in salesforce
  2. Then in quick search box find “apex classes”
  3. On apex classes page , click on “Schedule Apex” button
  4. Give a “Job Name”, Select the apex schedule class which you want to shedule
  5. In Schedule Apex Execution section , select the required frequency
  6. Select on the preferred day of every month
  7. Now select “Start” and “End” date for this scheduler class
  8. Select “Preferred Start Time”
  9. Click on “Save” button

Steps for running Batch class: 

  1. Open “Developer Console” by clicking on the Username
  2. Press “ctrl+e” to open anonymous window
  3. Copy the below piece of code and paste in anonymous window
    YourBatchClassName  b = new YourBatchClassName();
  4. Select this code and click on “Execute Highlighted”
This was the first part of the useful and important set of instructions. Stay tuned for more upcoming..!!
Happy Salesforce!
